Audrey Hacking Wiki

Getting jabber to work

Download jabber

go and download This is JabberX for Audrey, and you can find a little bit of information on it at . It is a text-mode Jabber client, so no fancy gui, but it does work well, and uses colors to keep things easy to read and understand. I have used it to connect to my accounts on Yahoo!, AIM, and ICQ, and chatted with friends on each, so it all works. I was running voyager and several pterms at the same time, so I feel like it should play pretty well with other stuff on the Audrey.

I highly recommend that you get familiar with Jabber before using JabberX. Go to, read the User Guide, download a Windows client (I've been using Winjab), choose a server, set up an account, set up your roster (buddy list), etc. You can do all this from JabberX, but in my opinion getting familiar with Jabber on a gui client first will make the transition to JabberX much simpler.

I cannot take credit for this software, all credit goes to the original author. Getting it running on Audrey however was a pain, so I'll take a little credit for that :-).

There are several files that must be in place for JabberX to work. I'll tell you how I have it set up, if you can get it working some other way then feel free.

I have a QNX6.0 filesystem mounted via fs-cifs at /qnx, and have the following links set up:

ln -sP /qnx/usr/lib/terminfo /usr/lib/terminfo ln -s /qnx/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib

You should probably link the terminfo directories from /kojak/ or they will disappear after a reboot. If you don't have the terminfo directories, I posted them earlier at dilligaf's site at Now copy the files to the right places and set up your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the directories where the executable and live:

cp .JabberXrc /nto/photon cp /usr/local/lib cp JabberX /usr/local/bin export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

You will need to edit /nto/photon/.JabberXrc to set it up for your Jabber ID, Jabber server, and password.

Now just type "JabberX" and after a few seconds you should be up and running. Try "JabberX --help" for a list of command line options. Once JabberX starts, type "/help" for general help, or "/help commands" for a list of recognized commands. The single-letter shortcuts in particular come in handy.

Happy Jabbering!

